NUTTER: Fines for Donors
As Mayor I will propose, and work with City Council to enact, legislation that makes permanent the current ban on gifts, gratuities and favors and extends it to all City officials and employees, including City Council and other elected officials and their employees. I will seek a workable penalty for a broad definition of what constitutes a bribe, as part of such legislation.
I have also proposed that all City employees file online financial disclosure information every year, and post that information on the City’s website. The City of Atlanta requires employees and elected officials to file income and conflict of interest information every year they work for the City and the year following their departure; and that the City should random financial audits of elected and senior appointed officials every year and post a comparison of the disclosed and audited results on the City’s website.
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1 comment:
The answer does not deal directly with the question which inquires as to creating penalties for donors of gifts or favors as distinguished from bribes. Bribes are harder to prove than gifts or favors because a bribe is a gift or favor extended in the hope of a return.
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