93% of those surveyed indicated they would have a favorable reaction to a candidate who supported legislation penalizing those who provide gifts or favors to city employees.
Would you, within the first six months of your administration, ask City Council to introduce a meaningful civil penalty to be applied to any person who provides such gifts or favors and, further, barring the issuance of City contracts to any such donor or anyone on whose behalf the donor was acting? If not, why not?
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He has had a track record of passing anticorruption legislation, putting sunshine on no-bid contracts, and placing requests for proposals on the web. Anticorruption and transparency has been a centerpiece of his most recent years in City Council and he stands out in this dimension. He also has thought through how to prepare for emergency contracting, a source of serious misspent funds in New Orleans. Unlike Fattah with his connections to Ron White, Nutter’s history demonstrates a strong commitment to more open and honest government.
He has misunderstood the question on civil penalties for those who offer bribes. (Fattah was the only one of the three candidates who responded on time to get this right.) Our fearless DA does not prosecute people who offer bribes under the criminal statutes. The reason for civil penalties is that someone can go after those who tempt city employees and the cost of offering a bribe goes from the cost of the bribe to serious money. He also did not outline a real proposal on nepotism but did come out in favor of registering lobbyists.
All lobbyists should be registered!
Anyone who offers 'gifts', as well as anyone who accepts them, should be penalized. The City employees who accept these 'gifts' should loose their jobs, their pensions and all other benefits, maybe then we could eliminate corruption.
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