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Thursday, April 5, 2007

KNOX: Cross Index of Political Donors and City Beneficiaries

Philadelphia deserves a mayor who has no interest in making his friends, relatives or contributors wealthy at our city’s expense. I donated 5 million dollars to my campaign to show that I could not be bought.

As mayor, I’ll make good on my promise to curb pay-to-play politics by pushing for greater openness and disclosure. The citizens of Philadelphia deserve no less.

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Interested voter said...

Knox is campaigning as the candidate of change. He has no history of participating in government corruption that anyone can find or we would have seen it in the press. He made almost all the right statements on corruption. Since he would not be spending the money he does if he were interested in perpetuating the current broken system, I have to take his positions on corruption as sincere.

Like Nutter, he missed the question on civil suite for those offering bribes. That question is aimed at increasing the costs to those who tempt city officials. When has our DA prosecuted anyone for offering bribes under the criminal statutes? Never. That is why we need civil penalties.

Anonymous said...

This answer presents the blah, blah, bloviation that we all expect from politicians. I happen to think its great that Knox is self financed and who can argue with the statement that "Philadelphia deserves a mayor who has no interest in making his friends . . . wealthy at our city's expense"? That is all nice BUT what the City needs is a leader who can understand a simple question and answer it. Will your administration undertake the task of preparing a cross indexed list of political donors and the beneficiaries of city contracts, grants, loans etc. employment for all the politician's buddies? There are three possible answers, yes, no and I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Knox is paying to play Mayor. It's as simple as that. S$5 million is a drop in the bucket for him. What keeps people honest is not money (or lack of it); it's integrity. Knox hasn't shown much of that.