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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

FATTAH: Legacy

My top priority will be expanding educational opportunties to improve the lives of all Philadelphians. Upon leaving office, my Opportunity Agenda, to expand education to lift Philadelphians out of poverty, will be my primary legacy.

I hope to have significantly increased the stock of affordable housing in our city by the time I leave office.

Finally, I hope that my economic development program, which entails a balanced approach of reducing and simplifying taxes, growing small businesses and developing our workforce, will have renewed our city’s economy.

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1 comment:

Interested voter said...

Fattah is the only candidate who did not improve between the debate I saw a couple of weeks ago and the WHYY debate tonight. He had been described as a wonk by the Inquirer early in the election. That is not true. Successful public policy starts with a goal and moves to a strategy and plans to achieve that goal. Fattah talks about goals but does not articulate any strategies or plans to achieve the goals. In the end he is vapidly saying he will succeed without laying out any plans. He would be a disaster as mayor.