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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

BRADY: Legacy

I would like to leave the city a better place for my grandchildren to live. Violence is at a crisis level, and without serious reduction of violent crime our city’s standing among great American cities will diminish. Without an end to violence, all other efforts will be overshadowed. I would also like to improve the school district, so that it is run in a safe and accountable manner.

Finally, I would like to eliminate the gross receipts portion of the Business Privilege Tax, so that the City’s economy can prosper.

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Interested voter said...

On the Sunday debate Brady showed himself to be the traditional pol. His comment about his little-league failure was a classic of boys-will-be-boys humor and funny.

His attacks on Knox were out of place and weak. It shows how he is running scared. Knox threatens his machine. Now he is not out to win so much as preserve his power though the party machine, the home of such stalwarts as Carol "what? me report how I spent my campaign money?" Campbell.

His "none of us are corrupt" line shows the extent to which he revels in the current corrupt system.

He should try to puposely lose the lawsuit to get off the ballot and save face. This would also give him a real opportunity to knock Knox without concerns for campaign spending limits.

Interested voter said...

He did better in the WHYY debate. Brady continued to show that he is your friendly local pol. His goal is not to win but to keep Knox and, to some extent, Nutter out because he is quite comfortable with the old rules that have been so corrosive for this city.